Best Places to Find a New Job, Cary ranks #9 in the top fifteen

Not only will you find your new house in a family friendly environment that you have dreamed about in Wake County , but according to a recent survey done by among cities ranging in the 50,000-300,000 population range in the U.S., you also selected the right place to find a new job in Cary.
The ranking listed the top fifteen cities with in the demographic focused upon, noting that those towns making the list boast positive past job and population growth in addition to having a much lower than average unemployment rate. Finally, the Money section of conducted the final step in compiling their top fifteen rankings, ranking them by job growth projections.
Cary checked in as the number nine city in all of America on the “Best Places to Find a New Job” list Based upon several factors. The biggest keys to being included in the rankings for Cary was their 8 percent job growth rate since the year 2010 and their projected 11.3 percent job growth rate over the course of the next four years. Cary was the only city in North Carolina to make the rankings.
The article wet on to state, “Cary offers easy access to a stunning range of high-paying job opportunities. Raleigh, the state capitol, borders Cary to the south, while tech hub Research Triangle Park is just up the road. “ The continued, saying, “Medical research centers at Duke and the University of North Carolina are less than 20 minutes away. Then there’s SAS Institute, one of the world’s largest software makers, which is headquartered in town. Not enough options? Insurance giant Met Life will relocate its IT center, along with 1,000 jobs, to Cary next year.”