Knightdale Among 2019 Best Places to Raise a Family in NC

Knightdale Among 2019 Best Places to Raise a Family in NC
The foremost authority on “helping you understand what it’s like to live in different places across America,” at have released their poll of the Best Places to Raise a Family for 2019 and the Town of Knightdalewas once again near the top of their listing, landing among the top 15 municipalities in the state.
In the site’s blogpost by Chris Kolmar, detailing the 2019 Best Places to Raise a Family in NC, he gives a basic overview and methodology of how the results are figured out. Kolmar also adds a brief recollection of questions the average family may ask. This is aimed to help residents arrive an easier and educated answer to the Best Places to Raise a Family in NC. American Families Ask the Questions and Knightdale is the Answer “According to the United States Census,” Kolmar started, “the number of American families who move is trending downwards Why is that? Perhaps it has to do with the ‘safety net’ factor: We get comfortable where we live, and we’re afraid to try a new move. What if the schools are bad? What if it’s dangerous?” Following these rhetorical questions, he later in the blogpost explained more exactly how they compile the annual Best Places to Raise a Family in NC, saying, “We threw a lot of criteria at this one in order to get the best, most complete results possible.” Kolmar continued, “Using U.S. Census data produced for the state of North Carolina, we looked at every single city in the state. “ Categories Analyzed for Best Places to Raise a Family in NC- Quality of local schools
- Distance to a major city without necessarily being in it
- % of households with children
- Family-friendly amenities nearby (museums, libraries and colleges)