Preston Development and Southern Energy Management Partnership Announced for Newest Community of Homes at Chatham Park

Preston Development and Southern Energy Management Partnership Announced for Newest Community of Homes at Chatham Park
With even more expansion set to begin for the preparation stages at Chatham Park, it appears that the three major areas of focus of the Preston Development team for the new community are conservation, efficiency, and clean technology. The Chatham Park team has placed such emphasis on these areas in hopes of attracting both businesses and people to its community who likewise seek better ways to conserve resources and live a clean and “greener” lifestyle. Thus, to ensure both perspective homes and offices in the next wave of construction at the community, Preston Development has teamed up with Southern Energy Management, who will implement their ecoSelect Plus program to provide those moving in the ultimate in quality control, support, consumer confidence, and energy efficiency.
A six-time Energy Star Partner of the Year, Southern Energy Management (SEM) has made it a top priority to help improve and assist people in how they use and make energy. They do this through a strict commitment to using building methods in their aforementioned program that use only the highest performance utilities. The eco Select Plus program is actually a new adaptation of the company’s ecoSelect that is specifically customized with extra requirements that are specific to Chatham Park. Seeing as though that is a somewhat general description, a prospective tenant interested in moving to Chatham Park would obviously have several follow-up questions. The number one inquiry they might have I would think is,” so, what is it exactly that sets ecoSelect Plus apart from Southern Energy’s original program? Luckily for those seeking answers, with the recent announcement of the Preston and Southern Energy partnership, SEM explained the ecoSelect certification process thoroughly in an article published on the official Chatham Park website. They listed eight main components of the program included in upcoming construction unique to Chatham Park, which are explained below.- • A high-performance building envelope that will allow insulation to keep the heat out during warm, summer months and keep it warmer in the wintertime.
- • Programmable thermostats in each unit that will keep occupants comfortable remotely
- • Quality assurance due to third party inspections
- • High-efficiency HVAC units that once installed are tested to ensure efficient and quiet operation
- • Solar evaluation to help incoming buyers more easily take the next step toward energy independence
- • Energy-efficient lighting that will provide 75-80 percent energy savings and have longer life spans than the traditional lightbulb
- • Reduced water usage from ecoSelect fixtures that still provide maximum performance while conserving water
- • Fresh air ventilation that removes stale air and introduces new air by way of a controlled system
- • Advanced framing and insulated corners
- • Lowering the duct leakage maximum
- • Simplifying the EnergyStar appliance requirement
- • Increasing the efficient lighting requirement