Steady Increase in Home Value leading to Northeast Transplants moving to the Cary area

The Triangle area of North Carolina continues to see a steady increase in Northeast Transplants moving to the Cary area, partly based in fact that the values of home properties across Wake County have seen a consistent rise throughout its constant growth over the past decade.
Case in point is a homeowner who relocated to Cary just under four years ago that purchased a home for $320,000 and has seen the value of that property soar to more than $400,000 in less than 48 months. This type trend in property and home values across the Cary/Raleigh area has become commonplace, with an estimated 70 people moving into Wake County on a daily basis.
Individually, Cary has exemplified this spike in property value, as a result seeing a consistent growth in population, as well. The lofty $1.01 million average net worth ranking of residents in the town’s 27519 ZIP code when gauged against all other neighborhoods in the area is evidence of this.
Further supporting the upward trend in net worth being seen across the Triangle among its residents is the average net worth of the top 10 wealthiest neighborhoods in the Cary/Raleigh area nearing a median of $1 million. This figure puts the Triangle area in select company with only a few neighborhoods across the entire United States.