Top 5 Listing of Most Affordable Cities in NC Places Cary at Number Two

Top 5 Listing of Most Affordable Cities in NC Places Cary at Number Two
With many of the real estate/living blogs releasing their year-end polls for 2018, it comes as no surprise that the town of Cary, is near the top of many of these listings. This includes the recent study on, placing Cary as the number two town statewide among the Most Affordable Cities in NC
Low Unemployment and High Household Income
Just one North Carolina municipality ranked ahead of Cary among Most Affordable Cities in NC. Similarly, only 5 towns or cities were even featured in the article at The reasoning for Cary’s lofty positioning is explained in detail at the site. “Low unemployment rates are almost as important to a city’s affordability as cheap housing costs. (You need an income to pay for that mortgage!)” The explanation continued, saying, “Cary’s unemployment rate is at 5.6%, the lowest of all the cities on the list…Those who are employed enjoy a significantly high income, with the median household income at $90,250.” The specifics on Cary’s number two ranking in Most Affordable Cities in NC concluded, “The city also provides plenty of ways to cut costs, such as multiple public transit options, and numerous parks and nature preserves for free entertainment.”Outscoring the Opposition: Areas that Cary Out Ranked Other NC Municipalities
- Earning Potential
- Quality of Life
- The City’s individual Cost of Living as Compared to National Average
- Local Attractions and Their Cost
- Unemployment Rate
- Median Household Income
- Public Transit Costs